The body is a terrain that grows cells.There is a "soil" for your cells. It is your internal bodily environment. To grow strong healthy cells, they need their own balanced terrain. Like a farmer concerned with soil conditions to grow seed, Biological Medicine is concerned with pH balance, mineral balance, hydration levels, good bacteria in the gut and other items of importance. Imbalances are reflected in the body's blood, interstitial and intracellular fluids and can be measured with a biological terrain assessment flow through system and annalized by the computer.
If the terrain is unbalanced or toxic, cells are going to have a much harder time growing strong and healthy and are less likely to function properly. If the body terrain is nutrient deficient the body will be left with diminished immune function, becoming more susceptible to disease, competing bacteria and parasites in the environment. The need for intervention increases in proportion to the decreasing health of the terrain. One of the most dynamic of bodily fluids is the blood. By observing living blood under a microscope, we can get a real-time, dynamic and concrete visual perspective of the state of our internal biological terrain or body ecology. This however is only a QUALITATIVE picture. Behind this qualitative picture lie the QUANTITATIVE numbers (pH, minerals, hydration, bacteria etc.) which "pushed" the picture into being what it is. Protocals that change the numbers, change the blood picture. It is these quantitative numbers that are the basis for Flow Systems Analysis and it is the numbers offered through this form of biochemic biofeedback that lie behind the visual picture of blood which can be viewed under a microscope. When we can see it, we can do something about it so you feel better. I |
Biological Terrain Assessment (BTA) is a Flow System Analysis method that measures several factors of the fluid dynamics in the bodies internal environment. This environment is often referred to as the "terrain" or "biological terrain".
While various fields of medicine examine, isolate or treat one particular part or system of the body, Flow Systems Analysis gains feedback about the operation of the entire internal biochemical/electrical environment. This complete picture of information gives the health care practitioner a baseline on which to select a course of treatment as well as an objective procedure for monitoring the real effectiveness of the treatment on an on-going basis. This dynamic form of biochemic biofeedback helps uncover the underlying cause or causes of a patient's imbalance or illness, rather than treating a list of "symptoms". For more information to to book an appointment call:
519-837-1097 or email: [email protected] Michael Dragoman, D.C. c/o BODY of HEALTH 183 Silvercreek Pkwy. N. Willow West Mall Guelph ON N1H 3T2 |