Health Maintenance & Prevention plus:
Acupuncture MeridiansMeridians are the channels through which energy circulates throughout the body. Each channel is related to an organ system. Dotted along these meridian channels are more than 400 meridian/acupuncture points that have been classified, named and numbered for use in treatment. (There may be as many as 2000). These meridian points are where the energy channels come close to the surface of the body and can be tested and treated.
When energy flows freely through the meridians, the body is balanced and healthy. If the energy becomes blocked, stagnated, weakened or out of balance it can result in physical, mental or emotional ill health. Measuring the energy of the meridians will help determine appropriate treatment protocols to regain balance and prevent disease. To contact us for an appointment
phone: 519-837-1097 or email: [email protected] Michael Dragoman, D.C. c/o BODY of HEALTH 183 Silvercreek Pkwy. N. Willow West Mall Guelph ON N1H 3T2 |
Traditional acupuncture stimulates specific meridian points on the body by a variety of techniques including the insertion of very thin metal needles through the skin. Blockages or imbalances in the flow of vital body energy are restored for the return and maintenance of good health.
stimulates the same points with mild electrical current increasing the healing effect.